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Sticky Buns

This is a family favorite in my home. My mom made them when I was growing up. We always made two at a time. Why? Well, sorry to say but, this dessert always has an ugly sister that you just have to eat. We pick the pretty one to give to a neighbor and then eat the ugly one. This dessert has it's own time table too. However if you know you are going to be home with the kids all day, and you love those delicious warm and sticky desserts, then this is really not that difficult and very rewarding.

Sticky buns

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Makes 2 cakes

Approximate cook time: 20-25 min

Yield: 2 cakes

What you need:

2 Bunt pans

1 1/2 sticks butter

approximately 1 cup sugar

1 Tablespoon cinnamon

2 loves frozen bread dough


1 tsp vanila

1 cup packed brown sugar

1 cup water

Start off by thawing out your bread dough. I place it on a plate, and cover it with a clean wet cloth. Which I then place in my refrigerator. *Optional- thawing at room temperature covered with wet cloth is faster.* Once thawed you are ready to begin making your syrup. Mix all ingredients in a small heavy gage sauce pan, and bring up to a boil slowly to dissolve the sugar.

Then pour equal amounts into the bottom of your bunt pans.

Next melt your butter in a bowl, mix your sugar and cinnamon in another, and then cut your bread dough into about 1 inch sections.

sticky bun set up

Cut up bread dough, for sticky buns

Then you just start placing pieces of the bread dough into the butter, then the sugar and cinnamon, then finally into the bunt pan.

Making Sticky buns
Making sticky buns

Use one loaf per pan. Then let them raise. I place mine in my oven at 100 degrees, covered with a wet cloth, and I also put a pan of water in my oven to keep it moist. This can take up to 3 hours to get a good raise.

Then once you get a good raise. Cover with foil and place in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 20 min.

unbaked sticky buns

Once they are done. Place on a plate and quickly flip it over. The syrup will run over the cake and it will be a pull apart cake. Pick your favorite to share with a neighbor and eat the other while they are still hot. It is the best.

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